Breast cancer in women research

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Breast cancer is currently one of the most frequent types of cancer in the world, with many women over the age of 50 being diagnosed with it; however, younger women may also be affected (Dumalaon, Hutchinson, Prichard, & Wilson, 2014, pp. 771-785). Breast cancer affects around one out of every eight women throughout their lifetime. Despite the fact that breast cancer is extremely serious, there is a substantial chance of recovery if identified in its early stages. As a result, it is very critical that women should greatly consider getting their breasts checked on a regular basis to identify any changes whereby they get examined in the case of any changes they notice on their breasts. Through breast cancer is greatly associated with women, men are also diagnosed with this type of cancer. The audience targeted to be addressed in this case comprise of women particularly those above the age of 40 years with the objective being to educate them the significance of screening test for breast cancer.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Starting by addressing the symptoms associated with breast cancer, it has a variety of symptoms. To start with, it involves a lump or an area of a thickened breast tissue. Though most of the breast lumps are never cancerous, it is very important to always have them examined by a doctor. Some of the most common symptoms comprises of changing in the size or even the shape of either one of the breasts, a swelling seen in either of the armpits, discharge stead which may be streaked with blood from either of the nipples and lastly dimpling on the skin of an individual breasts (Edwards, et al.2014, pp. 1290-1314.). However, pain on the breast is not a symptom of breast cancer.

Cause of Breast Cancer

Looking at the cause of breast cancer, the exact causes of this type cancer are not fully understood up to date. Nevertheless, there are particular factors that are greatly known to increase the risks of breast cancer. Some of these risks comprise of the age whereby the risks increases as one gets older, being tall, overweight or obese, excessive consumption of alcohol and the family history when it comes to breast cancer.


When it comes to the diagnosing of this type of cancer, after an individual gets her breasts examined, then in most cases, his or her GP tends to refer the person to a specialist breast cancer clinic with the objective being to carry out further tests which require screening known as mammography (Jassim, & Whitford, 2014, pp. 189-195). There is a very significant need for a person to understand that there are various types of breast cancer which are greatly categorized into non-invasive and invasive breast cancer. For the non-invasive, it is starts in the ducts of the breasts whereby it lacks the capability to spread on the outer side of the breasts. For invasive, it normally grows in the cells that are known to line the breast ducts which is considered the most common type of breast cancer. It normal cases, it may spread outside the breast but it does not imply that it has spread. It is of great significance to understand that, there are high possibilities for this type of cancer to spread to some other body parts which usually happens through the bloodstream.


For the breast cancer screening, mammographic type of screening is the most common technique of detecting breast lesion in the early stages whereby the X-ray images of breasts are usually taken (Houssami, & Skaane, 2013, pp. 101-108). However, it is very critical for a person to be aware that a mammogram in normal cases might fail to detect some type of breast cancer. In addition, it might increase the chances of a person to consider undergoing some extra tests and interventions which comprise of surgery despite a person is affected by the breast cancer. Since women are greatly known to be at a higher risks of acquiring breast cancer, they are normally screened as well as genetic testing when it comes to the condition. Since the risk of getting breast cancer in normal cases it increases with age, then all the women who are between the ages of 50-70 years old are greatly advised to undergo breast cancer after each and every three months.


When it comes to the treatment of breast cancer, it is very treatable if cancer gets to be detected at an early stage before it spreads to some other parts of the body. Usually, breast cancer is treated through the combination of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. For the prevention of breast cancer, currently, the causes of this cancer are yet to be fully understood hence it is not fully possible to establish how to prevent it. However, good diet and regular exercise can greatly help to reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as a third.

Finally, I would like to recommend four sites that greatly provide clear, valuable and information that is reliable regarding the issue of breast cancer.

NHS Choices (2016). Breast cancer (female).

Christian N. (2016). Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. Retrieved from:

Jerry R. B. (2016). Breast cancer. Retrieved from:

National cancer institute.(2016). Breast cancer patient version. Retrieved from:


Dumalaon-Canaria, J. A., Hutchinson, A. D., Prichard, I., & Wilson, C. (2014). What causes breast cancer? A systematic review of causal attributions among breast cancer survivors and how these compare to expert-endorsed risk factors. Cancer Causes & Control, 25(7), 771-785.

Edwards, B. K., Noone, A. M., Mariotto, A. B., Simard, E. P., Boscoe, F. P., Henley, S. J., ... & Eheman, C. R. (2014). Annual Report to the Nation on the status of cancer, 1975‐2010, featuring prevalence of comorbidity and impact on survival among persons with lung, colorectal, breast, or prostate cancer. Cancer, 120(9), 1290-1314.

Houssami, N., & Skaane, P. (2013). Overview of the evidence on digital breast tomosynthesis in breast cancer detection. The Breast, 22(2), 101-108.

Jassim, G. A., & Whitford, D. L. (2014). Understanding the experiences and quality of life issues of Bahraini women with breast cancer. Social Science & Medicine, 107, 189-195.

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