Benefits and compensation in different countries

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A Variety of Factors Influencing Benefits Packages

A variety of countries and businesses handle their workers differently in terms of benefits, public holidays, leaves, and pay. The religion of the society, its economic philosophies, and the laws are the influences that decide the disparities in the different benefits offered.

Religious Influence on Benefits

Religion is significant in countries where the state adheres to a particular religion, such as Saudi Arabia, which is overwhelmingly Muslim. Employees in the country profit from the Ramadan Bonus, which is mostly compensated during the Ramadan season. This is in contrast to countries such as the United States that do not have state religions but instead subscribe to a secular form of living with everyone having the right to exercise their own beliefs and conscience. These countries often do not have such bonuses fitted in the vast array of religious holidays. After all, who would be ready to work out every scheme for each religion?

Economic System's Influence on Compensation

Secondly, the economic system in a country influences the compensation packages offered. For example, safety nets are seen as a socialist aspect, which is one of the primary rationales for their dislike in capitalist countries.

Regulations and Compensation Schemes

Thirdly, the various regulations in the countries affect compensation schemes, for example, in several European countries mandatory paid public holidays are common while in the United States, it is entirely up to the employer (Ray & Schmitt, 2007).

Conclusion: Varying Benefits Packages

To summarize, benefits packages are important in the stimulation of employees and can be a big factor in retaining talent within an organization. However, they vary from depending on the organization and the country. Therefore, the various forms of benefits including sick leave, vacation, and public holidays are affected by factors such as religion of the state, its economic philosophies, and regulations.


Ray, R., & Schmitt, J. (2007, June 14). No-vacatio nation USA- a comparison of leave and holiday in OECD countries. Retrieved from

December 28, 2022

Religion World


Islam Management

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Ramadan Employee Countries

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