Analysis of the Racism Website

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The Intended Audience

The intended audience of the site are the rest of the world population who are cautious about the effect of racism and discrimination. I determined it after realizing it is a non-profit organization that seeks to enlighten people about the challenge of global racism.

Website's Domain

The site’s domain is .gov and if affects the credibility of the website significantly because it is only through the assurance that it is a government site that one will believe what is included as it is not someone’s biased opinion but instead it is an objectively run website with the goal of informing and advocating for equal rights for all humans.


The site has ads just as many other websites on the internet and it is largely because those who run it need money to run the platform. It is a major setback in upholding the credibility though because it means that those who run it also want to encourage people to visit the site often so that they make more money from the website.

Addressing the Topic of Racism

The site addresses the topic of racism in the world by covering a broad range of matter that relate to the subject and that creates more awareness. It addresses racism by creating workshops and updating them periodically to the members to enable them be informed of the progress that is made. Furthermore, the site has a database and a broad collection of articles that have been published on the subject with the primary issues being the reparations and the enslaved Africans and the overall discrimination based on race in history. It is, however, not possible to verify whether the information that is presented has been published in other websites because the articles published on the website are original and cover novel issues as pertains to racism surveys. However, the two links that provide similar information though they are not specific to racism are and Both websites covers a wide array of social and global matters and they are not focused solely on racism as the primary website for the analysis.

Point of View

The point of view that is used in the writing of the websites and particularly the article is objective rather than taking an impartial point of view on the issues. The justification for this acclaim is from the fact that the website hosts free webinars and it is highly likely that a majority of what is published comes from such meetings together with the periodic workshops that are held by the firm. Most of the details that are included, therefore, constitute facts even though there is a section in the lower part of the pages that allows for followers to post their responses and reactions on the matters that are presented. It is possible that the objective in allowing for people to post comments is to create traffic to enable those who run the website to gain more reactions and thus spread the information even more. It, therefore, means that it is unlikely that the idea behind the comments is to spread propaganda because the site is credible from the outward appearance.

Cultural Biases

However, it is noted that a majority of the articles published are focused on the racism that is against the black, implying that there are cultural biases. The concept of racism is broad and there is a limit on the number of articles that are covering other issues which raises the question of bias as a weakness. However, despite the setback, I would be comfortable using the website or research because it presents information that is not based on propaganda and it is periodically updated to stay abreast with current news.

November 13, 2023


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