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Hire a WriterGlobally, obesity has been known to influence the individual health of children and therefore call for medical attention. Childhood Obesity refers to the greater fatness of children that require medical attention due to the potential risks that it put on the life of the children. While human body size could be deemed as natural and genetically determined, the impending health risks including stroke and heart diseases, some cancers diabetes and high blood pressure inform the need to curb obesity. As the world advance regarding technology, eating habits in societies change to conform to new developments as seen in the case of genetically modified organisms, processed food and additives that contain varying levels of calories and cholesterol. The concern of obesity is a general concern; however, childhood obesity is threating the sustainability of young generation’s health with an implication of problematic health conditions that can hamper physical and cognitive ability of future generations (Buckley, 2016. Pp16). There is dire need to sustain the health status of the community and children, in particular, to prevent premature deaths and compromised physical, mental growth as well as per capita industrious ability. Childhood obesity is a detrimental societal health concern which is largely contributed by poor eating habits, but the community has a huge role to play in mitigating the vice. This study will analyze the factors that contribute towards childhood obesity and assess the measures of mitigating the given problem.
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Community plays a key role in preventing childhood obesity through the creation of events and programs that build healthier community (Porter, 2013. Pp 164-8). Obesity resulting from genetic factors can be explained as complex. However, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activities are at the discretion of the social institutions including families and schools. The community which comprises of parties involved in the upbringing of children as seen in the case of religious, learning and local authority organizations have a mandate of ensuring that communal health well-being is upheld. The establishment of residential areas and schools without playing grounds is an indication of community’s failure in preventing childhood obesity. Outdoor activities including sports walks, camping and hiking among children at community level ensure that young people remain physically active thus curbing obesity. Programs including field-days on healthy living and events as seen in the case of charity and competitive sporting activities are some of the measures under which communities can enhance healthy living and prevent childhood obesity.
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Childhood obesity is primarily contributed by eating disorders and inadequate approach in which the disorder is handled (Austin, 2011. Pp 1e-3e). Cultural connotations guiding eating habits in societies have a bearing on the prevalence and prevention of obesity in children. Inclination towards consumption of highly processed food, eating at random periods and too much or very little food intake are seen as the causes of obesity. Eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are bound to lead to childhood obesity. The fact that children have little know-how on the consequences of given eating habits, it is upon the guardians and the society to ensure that healthy dietary habits are adopted. The inadequate approach to eating disorders in children can be attributed to health unawareness among the children, guardians and parents as well as the entire community. Precise handling of eating disorders encompasses processes that ensure that children eat healthy to prevent excessive body weight gain that leads to obesity.
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The ability to adequately understand and judge an ideal body weight of a child in the contemporary society can play a critical role in dealing with childhood obesity (Dawes, 2014. Pp 21-23). In this case, communal enlightenment on healthy living and obesity management is detrimental in curbing childhood obesity. While ideal body weight is subjective based on the cultural perceptions of body size, there is a need for a standardized body weight measurement. The medical use of Body Mass Index (BMI) as a way of determining ideal body weight ought to be taught at communal levels as a way of preventing, detecting and managing childhood obesity.
Background of the Study
The high prevalence of obesity among children in the contemporary societies is a health concern that calls for due attention. The societal knowledge on healthy living and eating habits is characterized by cultural perceptions that disregard management of body weight and dietary disorders among children. There is need to establish the factors leading to childhood obesity and define precise measures in managing the given menace (Teaching Company& Kanopy (Firm), 2017. Pp.6)
• Factors that Contribute to Childhood Obesity
• Poor Eating Habit
• Failure of Community Involvement
• How to Mitigate Obesity
• Community Involvement
• Healthy Living
The study adopts a descriptive methodology through content analysis. This study analyzed the secondary literary sources on childhood obesity and community roles in ensuring healthy living. There is need to identify the stakeholders involved in furthering the advancement of community health. Also, the identification of the factors contributing towards the prevalence of childhood obesity will guide in the identification of the possible solutions to the problem at hand.
Discussion and Recommendations
Poor eating habits resulting from cultural practices and disorders contribute towards childhood obesity. Societies are perceiving high body weight to being healthy as opposed to slim figures enhance children quest for increased body mass through large food intake. Poor eating habits resulting from disorders as seen in the case of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating result in obesity. Communities contribute to preventing childhood obesity. Lack of recreational facilities, events and health programs depict communities as failures in curbing childhood obesity.
Recommendation on childhood obesity includes community involvement through programs such as health field-days and workshops and the organization of events including sports, hiking and walks. Also, there is a need for communal enlightenment on the management of eating disorders to assist children, guardians and parents overcome poor eating habits resulting from health conditions.
Community plays a key role in preventing childhood obesity through the creation of events and programs that build a healthier community. A community can always carry out certain events such as sporting events that can sensitize the public against childhood obesity. Children can be encouraged to always participate in events. Also, childhood obesity is primarily contributed by eating disorders and inadequate approach in which the disorder is handled. Poor eating habits have contributed to the accumulation of fats among children thus leading to obesity. The ability to adequately understand and judge an ideal body weight of a child in the contemporary society can play a critical role in dealing with childhood obesity. Parents should be able to access the body weights of their children and know what is good for them. That will help parents to embrace healthy and organic food that maintains and controls their children’s body weight.
Austin, S. Bryn. (2011). "The blind spot in the drive for childhood obesity prevention: bringing eating disorders prevention into focus as a public health priority." American journal of public health 101.6 (2011): e1-e4.
Buckley, Rita. (2016) Childhood Obesity. Dulles, Virginia: Mercury Learning & Information, 2016.
Dawes, Laura. (2014). Childhood Obesity in America: Biography of an Epidemic., 2014. Print.
Porter, Christine M. (2013). "Community action to prevent childhood obesity: Lessons from three US case studies." Childhood Obesity 9.2 (2013): 164-174.
Teaching Company., & Kanopy (Firm). (2017). Childhood Obesity. San Francisco, California, USA: Kanopy Streaming, The Great Courses, 2017.
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