Alfie Kohn in his article "Why Competition?"

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Alfie Kohn's Essay "Why Competition?"

Alfie Kohn claims that competition is an unhealthy practice that discourages inter-human relationships in a community in his essay "Why Competition?" According to Kohn, when competition is promoted covertly, good relationships cannot make up for its vices. People who tend to concur on a certain aspect have two orientations that are mutually exclusive: competition and cooperation. After one side of a rivalry is excluded from any community, the interrelationship component becomes less important. People there begin to distrust and disapprove of the rivalry effort. Kohn's article is summarized in this research.

The Negative consequences of Competition

Competition, according to Kohn, results in a lack of creativity, subpar performance, and lower levels of happiness. He supposes that people have a tendency to pursue conquest and win by eliminating important goals during the competition. For instance, Kohn notes that the practice encourages many vices like cheating in debates, rude behaviors for football players and unethical abuses that suppress good morals. He observes that people deceitfully condemns such practices without correcting them. Furthermore, not amending these practices leads to less productivity and happiness, and the formation of a poor character.

Unsatisfying Success through Competition

Kohn claims that success gained through competition does not lead to satisfaction since multiple competitors have to contend to maintain their position. Further, Kohn argues that those who compete always have to contend to maintain their positions. He claims that this condition is not good for their mental health since healthy minds require positive self-esteem.

Competitive Environments in School and Workplaces

Kohn claims that we learn to compete in school and workplaces. He observes that societal and education system demands a learner to perform better than their peers. Moreover, in workplaces, for example, people are forced to compete for better job positions and better salaries. These claims clearly show that people opt to participate in competition rather than suppressing competition through the promotion of cooperation.


Kohen concludes that competition plays a significant role in hindering beneficial relationships. He argues that the demands of modern life promote competition. Kohn maintains that competition promotes less productivity and happiness, and the development of a poor character.

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