Advantages and Disadvantages of Vaccinations

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During the seventh century

During the seventh century, there was the first attempt in the prevention of illnesses by the use of disease-causing organisms in order to protect against itself. The attempt was carried out in India whereby Buddhist monks consumed venom from snakes since they believed that by doing so, the venom would act as an immunity against bites from snakes. Furthermore, the act of inoculating pustules that had dried from smallpox which were removed from an ailing individual to a healthy individual was used in preventing the healthy people from contracting the illness. The first act was carried out in Asia during the second millennium and later spread to eastern China, western Turkey, Europe, and Africa. In seventeen ninety-eight, Edward Jenner from England published experimental results on vaccination which involved inoculation of cowpox virus which was closely related to human smallpox with an aim of protecting human beings. At the end of the nineteenth century, Pasteur Louis started the application of the vaccination concept to other illnesses. His argument was that the harmful illnesses causing organisms had the possibility of being weakened in laboratories. Louis' first demonstration on the vaccines' effectiveness was carried out on chicken cholera and animal anthrax and later he developed rabies vaccines which were used by human beings.

A Vaccine

A vaccine is a word that has its origin in Latin known as variola vaccine which was used in the late years of the eighteenth century in the prevention of diseases such as smallpox. In the present days, vaccine refers to all preparation in biological terms that are obtained from living organisms which are then used in immunity enhancement against illnesses in order to in some cases prevent against the illness or in other cases to treat and cure the disease. Vaccines may at a time be offered in injection form, liquid form, orally or sometimes through intranasal means. Vaccinations are important aspects in the fight against illnesses that are infectious. As explained by the world health organization, the weight of infectious infections have greatly gone down all credits to vaccines globally. According to (Free, 2003).

Vaccinated Individuals Acquire Direct Protection

The vaccinated individuals acquire direct protection through immunization whereas those unvaccinated individuals get protected through the community which has already been protected or through herd immunity. The reduction that has occurred in health disparities within and across countries in the last century is one of the evidence that vaccinations are the main reason. According to the latest estimates, vaccination practice has prevented about one hundred and three million children from the year nineteen twenty-four which in turn represents about ninety-five percent of illnesses that would have taken place. The paper explains in details the pros and cons of vaccine administration in the today's world (Fox & Elveback et al., 1997).

Safety and Importance of Vaccines

In most cases, vaccines are always safe and the uncommon serious side effects have not been reported. Routine and regular vaccination programs facilitate the protection of children from infectious diseases which before the development of immunization resulted in many deaths of children every year. Traveling individuals also require immunization which acts as an agent in preventing and avoiding various illnesses that are infectious which they may encounter while in their destinations. However, vaccines that fully satisfy individuals are not developed yet which can be used preventing most diseases that threaten the lives of people, especially children (Free, 2003).

Limitations of Vaccines

Even though vaccines have succeeded in protecting against diseases, they not always prevent their recipients one hundred percent. Victims should not assume that there will be an absence of risks of acquiring the infection they had vaccinated against including the travelers. For instance, we cannot substitute vaccination in order to prevent the potentiality of taking contaminated water and food. Therefore, it is important to take considerable carefulness in dealing with infectious diseases (Fox & Elveback et al., 1997).

Social Impact of Vaccines

On social impacts, it is evident that vaccines have greatly cubed the threats caused by illnesses which had been once spread all over and were usually deadly. Currently, individuals have benefited from effective, adequate and secure immunizations compared to the ancient times. However, despite the above forward move, the illnesses that require vaccination continue increasing increases the urge of helping need in preventing the disease. Costs required during health care to patients and even to the entire globe are reduced and al the regards are to the implementation of vaccination since the preventable illnesses through vaccination has reduced greatly (World Health Organization, 2004). Therefore, there is a need for continued investments in technologies of vaccines in order to develop effective and new ways of addressing medical needs that are yet to be met.

Disadvantages of Vaccination

The major concern brought about by agricultural and the public authorities of different nations are that the usage of vaccines may at some point enable viruses to remain to be endemic and at some time it may facilitate endemic infection development due to lack of sterilization in immunity (Free, 2003). Therefore, it is important to understand that despite the vaccination being a concern of legitimacy, some areas where vaccination may be administered, viruses used to remain widespread even in situations where vaccines were not administered. Endemic situations can be contributed to vaccines in the occurrence of various issues. Such issues may be when vaccines do not act in ways of reducing the shedding of the present viruses in animals that are vaccinated and are exposed to viruses. When there is not enough coverage of vaccines in the required area, improper antigenic match, insufficient vaccine quality and even inadequate required vaccine dosage then the risk of reoccurrence of viruses is usually high. Free (2003) notes that various side effects are related to the use of vaccines. However, the advantages of the use of vaccines outnumber the side effects. In vaccine administration, there are always three trial phases that one has to undergo. The first phase tests on tolerance and safety aspect, the second tests on the response of immunity and human volunteer safety whereas the third phase is used in checking efficiency and safety of a field.

Trustworthiness of Vaccines

Another disadvantage is the fact that some vaccines cannot be fully trusted. Even though some vaccines according to studies tend to be efficacious and promotes prevention of illness in Asia and Africa, such vaccines do not recommendations for frequent use in the United States following the doubts that are branded on the vaccination benefits following some studies. Some studies that were carried out previously showered a relationship with mumps rubella measles immunization and autism. Sadly, medical immunization institutes and the safety committee dealing with reviews carried on an investigation and they turned down the casual relationship (Free, 2003).


Considering that we are living in the periods of vaccination, control, development and the widespread of fatal infectious illnesses in the youngster, teenagers, adults and the aged has become probable but on through the acceptance of universal vaccination. Moreover, several individuals have been caught in between the disadvantages and the negative effects brought about by the use of vaccines. Such side effects may include fever, discomfort, pain, high cost plus other severe side effects of the death of seizures. According to the society, a development shift in disease to adulthood, mutant pathogen emergences and arising from fresh problems such as paralysis of polio can be caused by vaccination. Even though vaccines may have its disadvantages, the advantages that come with it outweighs it and therefore vaccines are the best since they protect and prevent deadly diseases such as mumps and measles. Therefore, while choosing, vaccines are all I will go for.


Free, T. A. (2003). Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. The Nurse Practitioner, 28(2), 46.

Fox, J. P., Elveback, L., Scott, W., Gatewood, L., & Ackerman, E. (1971). Herd immunity: basic          concept and relevance to public health immunization practices. American Journal of           Epidemiology, 94(3), 179-189.

World Health Organization. (2004). WHO guidelines on the use of vaccines and antivirals during          influenza pandemics.

August 04, 2023




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