Adlerian therapy

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Adlerian therapy is a short-term, goal-oriented, and positive psychodynamic treatment based on the teachings of Alfred Adler, Sigmund Freud's former partner (Rubinstein). Feelings of inferiority, according to Adler, can lead to neurotic behavior but, under the correct circumstances, can also serve as inspiration to strive for greater accomplishment (Rubinstein). In this case study, I will work with the situation of Carlos, who was just injured at work. The workplace authorities conducted an impromptu drug and alcohol test on one of their employees, and he tested positive for both cocaine and alcohol. Despite having three DUIs on his record, he denies having a drinking problem. He instead admits that he drinks on social occasions and whenever he drinks, he becomes very aggressive.

The psychological problem in my client’s case is substance abuse disorder. He has been accused by the employers of testing positive for cocaine and alcohol. Furthermore, he has also admitted to consuming alcohol and the effect it has on him such as getting aggressive. The psychological problem can be addressed using Adlerian psychotherapy. Adler who is the founder of the therapy believed that to find a solution for a mental problem; it is imperative to familiarize oneself with the social context of the person by evaluating factors such as parental influence and lifestyle. He further had the convictions that every individual strives to feel significant and belong (Watts & Bernhard 13).

As a therapist, I would apply Adlerian therapy in seeking to understand the drives, thoughts, and emotions that may have influenced his lifestyle in becoming alcoholic and abuser of cocaine. I would also encourage him to seek more helpful habits and behavior that would enable him to stop excessive consumption of alcohol and intake of cocaine that results in unbecoming conduct.

Pros and Cons


Since it deals with specific nature of one’s psychology, the effective treatments are achieved through use of single subject method as compared to group therapy model when using Adlerian therapy techniques (Ashby, Kottman and Rice 1998). Other factors also come into play whence considering the widespread applicability of the theory and its value within a psychoanalytical range include things like whether the theory itself can improve views of the correlation between self and addressing personality priorities (in Adler’s theory, these include pleasing, achieving, outdoing, detaching and avoiding (Ashby, Kottman and Rice 1998). These factors improve the ability to achieve a total view of the individual, and can improve the ability to respond within a therapeutic model (Ashby, Kottman and Rice 1998).


Adlerian therapy is time consuming and this approach may not be appropriate for individuals seeking quick solutions to their concerns. More so, this approach more likely explore early childhood events hence for those individuals that are not comfortable with having their family history explored are not going to find this approach as ideal.


Engagement: I would strive to engage my client by building a trustful therapeutic relationship and then agree to work together to address the problem effectively.

Assessment: Secondly, I would also pursue him to open up and speak about his family history, beliefs, personal history, motives, feelings, and early recollections. Getting that information would assist me obtaining the overall lifestyle pattern of the individual that they might have thought to be irrelevant.

Insight: I use this technique to assist the person in therapy to come up with new ways of conceptualizing their new situation. I studied the client by taking him through questions and answers so as to understand him more.

Reorientation: As a therapist, I would apply this technique to encourage him to involve himself in productive activities that would bring satisfaction. Doing this would reinforce the new insight and permit the client to deepen their knowledge regarding the action.

Helpful aspects

Adlerian values clarification: The element of applying value-based clarification is significant in introducing an individual to a personal life structure that includes social context, birth order and external dynamics such as the influence from the parents. The practical application of the Adlerian values, would enable me. After realizing their social context, they will appreciate the emotions they currently have concerning the events they experienced in their childhood (Ivey et al. 11). Such process of perception allows the person undergoing therapy to identify- probably for the first time, their inner and real value.

Value clarification involves doing something that matters, gaining an understanding of that which matters on a personal level, and it helps in taking a practical step that is informed by the values. Numerous exercises are used to assist identify chosen values that will be used as a compass to direct effective and intentional behavior. With mindful liberation from the struggles to against committing a bad thin after gaining insights on the importance of value clarification, such individuals seeking therapy tend to engage in the activities that are consistent with the values they have acquired (Ivey et al. 6).

Another aspect would be to use Adlerian individual psychotherapy and brief therapy to guide people in the discovery of their unproductive feelings and to focus their attention in formulating remedies in the perceived behaviors, values, and feelings that hamper further positive growth. The aspect uses Socratic discourse to inspire benevolent attitudes. The resultant outcome is an increase in the natural ability of the person to forge cohesive relationships and cooperation with other people in the society. Ultimately, it aids an individual to overcome destructive behaviors and beliefs that give the client self-confidence and social empowerment.

Progress of the therapy

The therapy would experience progression under my supervision through frequent monitoring of the development of the client. Additionally, I will monitor the response of my client against the indications and signs used by the rehabilitation centers when assisting drug addicts overcome addiction. My role as the lead therapist would entail the provision of corrective measures and monitoring the response of the person under therapy in relation to the psychotherapy prescription that I have recommended. That would assist in measuring the accuracy and consistency of the implementation of the psychotherapy.

Works Cited

Ivey, Allen E., Michael J. D'Andrea, and Mary Bradford Ivey. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective: A Multicultural Perspective. Sage. (2011): 6-15

Rubinstein, Noah. “” Adlerian Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Techniques, 2016,

Watts, Richard E., and Bernhard H. Shulman. "Integrating Adlerian and constructive therapies: An Adlerian perspective." Adlerian, cognitive, and constructivist psychotherapies: An integrative dialogue (2003): 9-37.

Wedding, Danny. Current psychotherapies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2010): 2-18

Ashby, J., Kottman, T. and Rice, K. (1998, Fall). Adlerian personalitypriorities: psychological and attitudinal differences. Journal of Counseling and Development, v76 n4, pp. 467(8).

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