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Hire a WriterBrand loyalty is based on a number of variables, such as high levels of happiness, relationships that already exist between the buyer and the product, and ethical considerations. These three aspects show the motivations behind why many consumers establish brand loyalty. In my instance, I possess levels of brand loyalty considering my wardrobe is pulled from a single brand. Customers tend to establish a brand loyalty based on three levels, which includes the society level, individual level, and group levels.
Trust is still important for fostering loyalty. Businesses must foster a sense of trust among consumers and their brands. Customers should have confidence in the company and be able to consume its products without worrying about their safety or quality. Trust between clients and the organization can be influenced by marketing and psychological approaches (O'Shaughnessy & O'Shaughnessy, 2002). Building loyalty depends upon laying focuses on the nature of communication, the ability of the organization in handling complaints, customer satisfaction, and the culture of a given organization (O'Shaughnessy & O'Shaughnessy, 2002).
Marketing entails reminding the clients of the quality of the brand and creating a competitive edge over competitors. The strategy would work and ensure customers remain loyal to the brand and ignore advances emanating from competitors (Hatem, 2013). The marketing strategy may include rewarding loyalty and encouraging continuous consumption. Psychological approaches entail identifying the customer need and creating a positive environment between the organization and the end users. According to Griffin (1997), rewarding customers and acknowledging their role in the growth of the organization would have a positive psychological effect on the client thus improving trust.
There exist ethical expectations accompanying trust. In this sense, the company needs to consider cultural and religious factors while adapting marketing models. On the other hand, the organization ought to adhere to demand and quality and should not utilize the trust from a client to exploit (Griffin, 1997). Exploitation may include abnormal pricing models and at the same time compromise on quality. Customer information should remain confidential and should not be shared with a third party without clients' consent. The firm should also engage in lawful practices to create a positive environment for the client.
The question as to whether customers should trust a company remains a personal decision. The decision could be made based on experience and available information in the public domain. Negative encounters and poor problem-solving mechanisms may create mistrust between the clients and a given organization (Hatem, 2013). Some clients are prone to trust, given the ability of organizations to fabricate information about their competitors and deceive clients on the quality of their product (O'Shaughnessy & O'Shaughnessy, 2002). The organization may use dirty techniques to improve on loyalty, thus many clients may fall prey to these techniques. In a normal setting, clients ought to carry out research and ensure product information provided by the organization is true.
In conclusion, trust plays a part in creating brand loyalty. The organization needs to create models that ensure positive interaction with the clients. A positive connection will ensure clients are loyal to brands produced and supplied by the same company. The organization thus has a role to play in building trust. The organization has to deal with psychological and ethical aspects of developing trust with the clients. Marketing would remain the clients of the quality of products while at the same time create trust between the end-users and the producers. Mistrust from customers may emerge when the organization fails to deliver based on customers' expectations and at the same time failure by the organization to solve product-related complaints.
Griffin, Jill. (1997). Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Hatem, E. (2013). Trans-disciplinary Marketing Concepts and Emergent Methods for Virtual Environments. Birmingham city: IGI Global.
O'Shaughnessy, J. & O'Shaughnessy N.J (2002). The Marketing Power of Emotion. New York: Oxford University Press.
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